
JMeter is a web application load testing tool written in Java. Tests can be built either using the UI or directly in XML.


  • Test Plans are the root of a project. They determine execution order of Thread Groups (the default is to run both concurrently) and whether generated data should be stored on-disk.
    • Thread Groups create and manage lifetime of threads that serve as virtual users according to a specified ramp-up period and execute scenarios in them.
      • Controllers either generate traffic or perform some logical operation:
        • Samplers (also known as Generative Controllers) generate and send requests to a server and wait for a response.
          • Assertions ensure correctness of a request or response
          • Pre Processors execute before the sampler's request, e.g. to generate test data.
          • Post Processors execute after the sampler's request, e.g. for value extraction.
        • Logic Controllers determine which request (contained within them) should be executed next.
        • Test Fragments are a special type of controller that's only executed if referenced by an Include or Module Controller.
      • Timers introduce delays before executions to simulate user behaviour (e.g. reading, completing a form).
      • Listeners allow accessing gathered test case data.


Scoping is based on an element's location in the tree.

Execution order

Elements aren't executed in the order of their definition:

  1. Configuration Elements
  2. Pre Processors
  3. Timers
  4. Samplers
  5. Post Processors
  6. Assertions
  7. Listeners


Functions can be called in text inputs, and can be called with the syntax __funcName([arg1[, arg2]]).

  • Random(min, max)
  • Scripting:
    • groovy(expr, varName) allows executing p.r.comp.lang.groovy (Private) code, storing the result in the named variable.
    • javaScript(expr, varName) allows executing p.r.comp.lang.js (Private) code, storing the result in the named variable.
    • jexl(expr, varName) executes a JEXL query.


Configuration Elements

  • DNS Cache Manager determines how DNS queries are served (via the host's DNS resolver, specified resolvers or statically) and how the values are cached.
  • HTTP Request Defaults reduces duplication by extracting common HTTP request values into a single element.
  • HTTP Header Manager allows specifying request headers.
  • HTTP Cookie Manager provides a per-thread cookie jar.
  • HTTP Cache Manager provides some emulation of browser Cache-Control header handling.


  • GraphQL HTTP Endpoint executes a GraphQL query or mutation.
  • HTTP Request fetches the given URL and can optionally fetch embedded resources matching the specified RegEx.
  • FTP Request performs an operation against an FTP server.
  • Flow Control Action allows performing thread or test flow control, useful when paired with logic controllers.

Logic Controllers

  • Simple Controllers may be used to visually group related samplers and controllers.
  • Transaction Controllers can be used to generate an additional sample combining samplers' timings to represent a single user-facing operation.
  • If Controllers execute their nested controllers if a given JavaScript expression evaluates to true.
  • While Controllers execute their children until the condition evaluates to false. There are three types of condition:
    • "" exits the loop when the last sample in the loop fails.
    • "LAST" performs as "", and will additionally not enter the loop if the sample immediately before the controller fails.
    • Otherwise evaluate the expression and enter the loop only if its result is equal to "false".
  • Runtime Controllers loop over their children until the specified runtime is met.
  • Interleave Controllers iteratively execute only one of their children on each invocation. They can be configured to interleave across threads.
  • Random Order Controllers randomly select one of their children to execute on each invocation.
  • Once Only Controllers execute only once per thread and are subsequently skipped.
  • Include Controllers allow inclusion of Test Fragments from another JMeter Test Plan.
  • Module Controllers allow inclusion of Test Fragments from the current JMeter Test Plan.
  • Critical Section Controllers limit execution of their children to just one thread at a time.

Pre Processors

  • JSR223 executes a JSR 223 script.
  • User Parameters assigns properties statically for the specified users.
  • HTML Link Parser extracts links and forms from HTML.
  • RegEx User Parameters extracts key-value pairs from the response as returned in regular expression match groups.

Post Processors

  • JSR223 executes a JSR 223 script.
  • CSS Selector Extractor extracts the value of the specified HTML attribute from an element matching the specified p.r.comp.lang.markup.css (Private) selector.
  • JSON Extractor extracts data from JSON responses using JSONPath expressions.
  • JSON JMESPath Extractor extracts data from JSON responses using JMESPath expressions.
  • XPath Extractor extracts XML/SGML elements using XPath expressions.
  • Regular Expression Extractor extracts text from a response using PCRE.


  • Constant Timers insert a constant delay between samplers.
  • Constant Throughput Timers wait for the sum of a minimum constant delay and a maximum random value (specified in milliseconds).
  • Synchronising Timers are designed to execute many requests at the same time, and work by blocking threads until the specified number of user threads are blocked.
  • Uniform Random Timers pause threads for a random amount of time, equally weighting all possible wait times.


  • View Results Tree generates a visual representation of the test run.
  • Summary Report is per sampler.
  • Aggregate Report is per thread group.

Plugin Manager

Plugins Manager is a community-maintained extension to JMeter that provides GUI for plugin installation. Some packaging may install it by default.
