
confd is an open source piece of software (Private) for lightweight configuration management in containers (Private). It applies Go (Private) template syntax and data sources (backends) for some common storage systems.


confd is configured from a TOML (Private) file with sections like so:

src =
dest =
keys = [

Templates can use variables, iterate over ranges and perform basic string manipulation:

{{ getv "/some/var" }}
{{ range getvs "/other/var" }}
    {{ . }}
{{ end }}

Backends are available for:

  • consul
  • dynamodb
  • env uses environment variables.
  • etcd and etcdv3
  • file
  • rancher
  • redis
  • ssm AWS SSM Parameter Store.
  • vault
  • zookeeper

To template the configuration files, just run the tool:

confd -onetime -backend env -confdir ./conf
