AWS is Amazon's cloud computing platform.


Regions are collections of resources in a geographic area. They're isolated and independent of one another, except where replication makes resources available across a boundary.

Regions introduced before 20th March 2019 are enabled by default, and cannot be disabled. Other regions can be enabled via the Console.


Quotas are hard limits beyond which an account can't provision additional resources. They're usually region-specific.

Some quotas can't be increased.


Resources can be tagged with metadata that can make them easier to locate, in key-value pairs AWS calls tags. Tags make it easier to manage, identify, organise, search for and filter resources.

Consider tagging by:

  • Owner
  • Environment
  • Purpose
  • Application
  • Stack
  • Operating System

Resource groups

AWS resource groups allow grouping related resources into a structure for easier bulk operations.

Not all services support resource groups.


Amazon Resource Names uniquely identify resources. They're in the following format:


And are comprised of:

  • partition describes the group of regions in which the account exists:
    • aws - AWS consumer regions,
    • aws-cn - AWS China consumer regions.
    • aws-us-gov - AWS GovCloud regions.
  • service - identifies the service, e.g. s3.
  • region contains the region name.
  • account-id contains the owning AWS account ID.
  • resource-type define subtypes within a service; treat these as opaque.
  • resource-id is the resource-specific section of the identifier, and may contain a path.

If resource-id is a path, wildcards (*) can be used to match segments, but not subsegments.



AWS is broken up into a number of services, most with regional availability. AWS services are generally accessible via service endpoints of the form:

Global services (services that aren't regional) will omit the region-code segment.

  1. ACM
  2. API Gateway
  3. Amazon Redshift
  4. Amplify
  5. AppStream
  6. AppSync
  7. Application Auto Scaling
  8. Athena
  9. Batch
  10. Billing
  11. CLI
  12. Cloud Directory
  13. CloudFormation
  14. CloudFront
  15. CloudHSM
  16. CloudSearch
  17. CloudTrail
  18. CloudWatch
  19. CodeBuild
  20. CodeCommit
  21. CodeDeploy
  22. CodePipeline
  23. CodeStar
  24. Cognito
  25. Config
  26. DMS
  27. Device Farm
  28. Direct Connect
  29. Directory Service
  30. DocumentDB
  31. DynamoDB
  32. EC2
  33. ECR
  34. ECS
  35. EFS
  36. EKS
  37. ELB
  38. EMR
  39. ElastiCache
  40. Elastic Beanstalk
  41. EventBridge
  42. FSx
  43. Fargate
  44. Global Accelerator
  45. Glue
  46. GuardDuty
  47. IAM
  48. Inspector
  49. KMS
  50. Keyspaces
  51. Kinesis
  52. Lambda
  53. License Manager
  54. MSK
  55. Macie
  56. Managed Services
  57. Neptune
  58. OpenSearch Service
  59. OpsWorks
  60. Organisations
  61. Outposts
  62. QLDB
  63. RDS
  64. Route 53
  65. S3
  66. SCT
  67. SDKs
  68. SES
  69. SWF
  70. SageMaker
  71. Secrets Manager
  72. Security Hub
  73. Service Catalog
  74. Shield
  75. Simple Notification Service
  76. Simple Queue Service
  77. SimpleDB
  78. Snow family
  79. Step Functions
  80. Systems Manager
  81. Timestream
  82. Trusted Advisor
  83. VPC
  84. VPN
  85. WAF
  86. X-Ray
