
Jira is an issue tracking application by Atlassian delivered as both an on-premise Java application and as a SaaS product.


Atlassian half-document Jira Server's database schema, but they do a poor job of explaining how the myriad entities actually preciously dangle off one another.

erDiagram Project {} IssueTypeScheme {} IssueTypeSchemeIssueType {} IssueType {} IssueStatus {} Workflow {} WorkflowStep {} WorkflowStepTransition {} FieldConfiguration {} FieldConfigurationCustomField {} FieldConfigurationScheme {} FieldConfigurationIssueType {} CustomField {} CustomFieldContext {} Screen {} ScreenTab {} Project }o--|| IssueTypeScheme: uses IssueTypeScheme ||--o{ IssueTypeSchemeIssueType: contains IssueTypeSchemeIssueType }o--|| IssueType: has IssueTypeSchemeIssueType }o--|| Workflow: has IssueTypeSchemeIssueType }o--|| FieldConfiguration: has IssueTypeSchemeIssueType }o--|| Screen: has FieldConfigurationIssueType ||--o{ IssueType: has FieldConfiguration }o--|| FieldConfigurationScheme: has FieldConfiguration }o--o{ FieldConfigurationCustomField: has FieldConfigurationCustomField }o--|| CustomField: has FieldConfigurationCustomField }o--|| Screen: has FieldConfigurationCustomField }o--o| ScreenTab: has CustomField ||--o{ CustomFieldContext: belongs CustomFieldContext ||--o{ Project: used CustomFieldContext }o--o{ IssueType: used Workflow ||--o{ WorkflowStep: has WorkflowStep ||--o{ WorkflowStepTransition: has WorkflowStep }o--|| IssueStatus: linked WorkflowStepTransition ||--|| WorkflowStep: target

Note that Layouts replace Screens in the new issue view.


go-jira CLI

go-jira provides a CLI that makes it easy to query issue data and perform bulk issue modifications over the CLI.

To list all issues in the current sprint:

jira list -q 'project = SRE and sprint in openSprints()'

  1. ScriptRunner
