CLI session (macOS)

The bw CLI uses a separate session from the desktop app, and there's no easy programmatic way to set up and restore a session using it.

Pop the following in bw_session on PATH:

# Ensure we have a Bitwarden session, and dump an export for it to STDOUT.
# Usage:
#  eval "$(bw_session)"
#  bw_session | source

set -eu -o pipefail

function bw_ensure_session() {
  local service_name="family.carrier.luke.BW_SESSION"

  BW_SESSION=$(security find-generic-password -a "$USER" -s "$service_name" -w || true)
  export BW_SESSION

  status=$(bw status | jq -r .status)
  case "$status" in
    echo "Unauthenticated; clearing session token and logging in" >&2
    unset BW_SESSION
    export BW_SESSION=$(bw login --raw)
    security add-generic-password -U -a "$USER" -s "$service_name" -w "$BW_SESSION"
    echo "Locked; unlocking" >&2
    unset BW_SESSION
    export BW_SESSION=$(bw unlock --raw)
    security add-generic-password -U -a "$USER" -s "$service_name" -w "$BW_SESSION"
    echo "Unlocked; nothing to do" >&2
    echo "Unknown status: $status" >&2
    return 1

printf "export BW_SESSION=%s\n" "$BW_SESSION"