Variable substitution in environments

Environment limitations

  • It's not possible to enable multiple environments simultaneously.
  • You can't use variables defined in a sub-environment to reference values defined in the base environment.


Instead of using the environment selector, place all configuration into the base environment like so:

  "envs": {
    "prod": {
      "url": "",
      "users": {
        "admin": {
          "user": "admin",
          "pass": "hunter2"
        "user": {
          "user": "user",
          "pass": "hunter2"
    "preprod": {
      "url": "",
      "users": {
        "admin": {
          "user": "admin",
          "pass": "hunter2"
        "user": {
          "user": "user",
          "pass": "hunter2"

  "env": "preprod",
  "user": "admin"

You can now use the following references to access different environments and users:

{{ _.envs[_.env].url }}
{{ _.envs[_.env].users[_.user].user }}
{{ _.envs[_.env].users[_.user].pass }}
