PowerShell support


In typical Microsoft fashion, the modules have been deprecated and replaced repeatedly:

  • The Az module replaces AzureRM for interatin g with ARM.
  • The AzureAD module doesn't support PowerShell Core, running only on Windows PowerShell.
    • AzureAD.Standard.Preview does, but has been abandoned since 2018.
    • The AzureADPreview module is used as a pre-release for AzureAD, but also lacks support for Core.
  • The Azure module is deprecated.
  • The AzureRM module is deprecated.

AzureAD preview

For Linux and macOS support, or PowerShell Core on Windows:

Register-PackageSource -ProviderName 'PowerShellGet' -Name 'Posh Test Gallery' -Location 'https://www.poshtestgallery.com/api/v2/'
Install-Module AzureAD.Standard.Preview

Note, however, that the AzureAD.Standard.Preview module hasn't been updated in several years.
