Open Policy Agent

OPA defines a specification and enforcement engine for policy-based access control in Cloud computing-native environments.


  • Policies
    • They're expressed in Rego, the policy language.
    • Contain any number of Rules.
      • Commonly return true/false, but can return any valid JSON value.
    • Can be tested with the included unit testing framework.
    • Have access to two global variables:
      • data contains the policy data
      • input contains the query input.
  • Data (JSON)
  • Query
  • Decision


sequenceDiagram actor Client participant Service participant OPA Client->>+Service: Event Service->>+OPA: Query OPA-->>-Service: Decision Service-->>-Client: Result


Write a policy:

package example

default allow = false

allow {
  input.user.roles[_] == "admin"

One-time evaluation

Write a sample input:

  "user": {
    "roles": ["reader"]

Evaluate it:

opa eval --data policy.rego --input user.json [--raw] 'data.example.allow'


To test it, we need another policy definition, preferably in a separate package:

package example_test

import data.example.allow

test_allow_false_by_default {
  not allow

test_allow_false_when_user_lacks_role_admin {
  allow with input as {
    "user": {
      "roles": ["reader", "writer"]

test_allow_true_when_user_has_role_admin {
  allow with input as {
    "user": {
      "roles": ["admin"]

Run the tests:

opa test .

Using the server

opa run --server
POST /v1/data/example/allow
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

  "input": {
    "user": {
      "roles": ["admin"]

  1. Kubernetes
