
  • Redstone dust behaves as a wire that carries signals. The signal strength drops by 1 level per piece of dust. Powered Redstone dust has a particle effect.
    • Dots of dust strongly power in all directions
    • Lines strongly power in only one direction
  • Repeaters take a redstone signal as input and boost the signal strength to 15.
    • They are directional: the end next to the switch is the input and the output is next to the torch.
    • They output only to the block directly in front of them and won't power adjacent blocks.
    • They delay transmission by one tick by default, which can be increased to four ticks.
    • A repeater can be locked/latched. preventing it from changing its state (either powered or unpowered), by:
      • Placing another powered repeater facing its side.
      • Placing a powered comparator facing its side.
      • A repeater that is locked too quickly after unlocking where the input is changed on the same tick will not change states.