
THe information below relates to Harness NextGen, and I doubt any of it's relevant to FirstGen.


  • Connectors manage credentials for external services, such as GitHub, Kubernetes.
  • Accounts are the root of the configuration.
    • Account Resources contains account-wide connectors.
    • Policies allows gating execution of pipelines, connectors, and secrets which fail the specified Open Policy Agent policies.
      • Policy Sets apply policies to different resource types.
    • Organisations allow segmenting accounts for some level of multi-tenancy.
  • Modules are areas of functionality:
    • Build performs CI.
      • Test Intelligence correlates source code changes to relevant tests to reduce run-time.
    • Deployments performs CD.
      • Continuous Verification has the platform compare the previous and current release quality.
    • Cloud Costs allows scraping billing data from the following services:
    • Feature Flags allows toggling features from the Harness platform.

The Harness platform is made up of two key components:

  • The Manager is the Harness UI and API we interact with to trigger and approve operations.
  • Delegates are the workers that host the jobs.

Pipelines can be edited in one of two experiences:

  • Graphical Pipeline Studio
  • YAML

invalid privatekey: [B@0123abcd

Harness apparently uses the JSch library which lacks support for the new OpenSSH private key format.

Either convert the existing key:

ssh-keygen -p -f $filename -m PEM

Or generate a new one:

ssh-keygen -m PEM
